Unleashed: Self Defence

Zoë is a long-time martial artist and self-defence instructor. After getting involved in the self-defence space, she realised that it was dominated by cisgender, heterosexual men and as a result the advice given was not based on lived experience. She has sought to change that with a range of innovative classes and techniques developed specifically for marginalised people.

Unleashed: Swimming Session

Join us at Abraham Moss Leisure Centre on the second Sunday of the month for a trans+ swimming session! We’ve hired out the pool for an hour for trans+ adults to come and use the pool in safe and relaxing environment! Hosted by our Misfits trainer, Sacha, this is an great place to come and make friends whilst working out your body!

Misfits Lift Club

We bring to you lift club with @sachapt an opportunity to get first class strength and resistance training n this 1 hour special, we have a state of the art gym with an amazing range of equipment.


Misfits Lift Club

We bring to you lift club with @sachapt an opportunity to get first class strength and resistance training n this 1 hour special, we have a state of the art gym with an amazing range of equipment.


Misfits Lift Club

We bring to you lift club with @sachapt an opportunity to get first class strength and resistance training n this 1 hour special, we have a state of the art gym with an amazing range of equipment.


Misfits Lift Club

We bring to you lift club with @sachapt an opportunity to get first class strength and resistance training n this 1 hour special, we have a state of the art gym with an amazing range of equipment.