Misfits Flexibility: Sheffield

Sheffield - Crossfit Braze CrossFit Braze, 13 Smithfield, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Pennie is a strength and flexibility coach helping you build a body that moves good. We’ll be building flexibility across a few key areas: Squats Forward folds (touching your toes) […]

Misfits lift club: Bristol

bristol Merton Road (opposite Laura's Pizzas), Bristol, United Kingdom

The aim of this class is to give people a physical outlet for their daily anxieties and struggles and to lay the groundwork to get you improving your mental health […]

Misfits Lift Club: Brighton

Brighton - FMG Project FMG Project, 24 Kensington Street, Brighton, Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom

A structured weight strength training class incorporating mindfulness meditation to help you build strength over time, learn compound movement patterns and feel good in mind and body. Please note these classes are for all abilities, adaptions are made and beginners are welcome. This class may include loud music or flashing/bright lighting equipment.

Misfits Yoga: Edinburgh

Edinburgh - Yoga Dance Base, 14-16 Grassmarket, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Nikhita aims to guide all participants through a gentle but invigorating class that will stretch and activate the body, focusing on not only the physical elements but also adding a […]

Misfits Circuits: Birmingham

Birmingham - Old Print Works The Old Print Works, 498-506 Moseley Rd, Balsall Heath,, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Our regular Thursday evening class is hosted by Dylan, who will take you through a circuit-style workout to get the blood pumping and your body movement, helping you to reap […]

Transkaters @ BAYSIXTY6

London - BAYSIXTY6 Bay, 66 Acklam Rd, London, United Kingdom

Queer + Transkaters night is a monthly night every second Friday of the month at @baysixty6_skatepark WHAT: Queer + Transkaters monthly night (every second Friday of the month) WHEN: 7-10pm WHERE: BAYSIXTY6, Bay, 66 Acklam Rd, London W10 5YU Transkaters, London’s first trans+ skate collective, are working with the indoor skate park haven BAYSIXTY6 and the […]

Misfits Lift Club: Manchester

Manchester - Lift Club National Squash Campus, Ethiad Campus, Gate 13, Rowsley Street, Manchester, United Kingdom

We bring to you lift club with @sachapt an opportunity to get first class strength and resistance training in this 1 hour special, we have a state of the art […]

Misfits strength & conditioning class: Bristol

Bristol - The Hideout The Hideout, Unit 2, White Street, St Judes,, Bristol, United Kingdom

Strength circuit is a full-body workout that balances compound movements (e.g., Squats, deadlifts, bench presses), mobility drills, and aerobic training. These sessions are built around having fun and learning to […]

Misfits lift club: Sheffield

Sheffield - Crossfit Braze CrossFit Braze, 13 Smithfield, Sheffield, United Kingdom

A gym class focussed on building strength, power and skill using a mix of modern and old school training methods.

Misfits Lift Club: Edinburgh

Edinburgh - The Club 44-46 West Bowling Green Street, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

If you want to learn about or get better at Lifting the Heavy Thing, join Coach Huld (she/ her, ve/ ver) at Misfits Lift Club at The Club in Leith […]

Unleashed: Self Defence

Manchester - GFF Damien Dance Studios 109-113 Corporation Street, Manchester, United Kingdom

Zoë is a long-time martial artist and self-defence instructor. After getting involved in the self-defence space, she realised that it was dominated by cisgender, heterosexual men and as a result the […]

Misfits Circuits: Manchester

Manchester - Whalley Range Whalley Range 11, 18 Wilbraham Rd, Manchester, United Kingdom

Join our circuit class for a full-body workout that's all about energy and fun! Whether you're a newbie or an experienced athlete, everyone is welcome. You’ll be part of a […]